Studying abroad
Application deadlines
You must have a study place before applying and you may apply no earlier than mid-May. The final deadline for applying is:
- 15 November for the entire year or just the autumn semester
- 15 March for the spring semester
All students receive basic support and travel support
Most students receive three different types of support for studying abroad. Basic support, travel support and an additional loan for tuition fees if payable.
All students can receive basic support, which is what most people call a student loan. Basic support is a loan, not a grant, but up to 40 per cent of this may be converted to a grant if you live away from your parents, complete your programme of education and have income and assets below the set limits.
If you pay tuition fees to your university, you may be eligible for support to cover the tuition fees, up to a maximum amount. The maximum amount depends on where you are studying and how much you have to pay.
We also provide support to subsidise the travel to the continent where you are studying.
If you are attending an online course or study, you can only apply for a loan to cover tuition fees. To receive the loan, the online study programme must be in another EEA country. Read more about additional loans for tuition fees at the page for online studies.
Some countries are eligible for an additional grant
If you are going to study in Brazil, India, Japan, China, South Africa or South Korea, you will receive an additional recruitment grant 4,401 NOK per month. You can receive this grant for up to ten months.
You must apply for grants and loans once per year
You must apply for study support each year. If something happens during your studies, such as dropping out before your examination or wanting to change your programme of education, you will need to log in and let us know.
You need to submit documentation annually
We do not receive information about examinations passed or confirmation of how much you have paid in tuition fees from educational institutions abroad. Therefore, you will need to submit documentation to us each year.
You do not have to remember this yourself. We will let you know when and how to submit such documentation. You need to document your academic progress in order for parts of your loan to be converted to a grant and for us to process your application when you apply for the next academic year.
Debt and repayments
Lånekassen loans are interest-free and you do not need to start making repayments for as long as you remain a student and receive support from us. When you no longer receive support from Lånekassen for full-time studies, interest on the loan will start to accrue and you will need to start repayments around nine months later.