You can apply for basic support
How much money can I get?
You can apply for basic support, which is what most people refer to as a student loan, for up to NOK 151,690 for the complete academic year (ten months). You need to be a full-time student in order to qualify for the full amount. The amount you can receive in loans and grants will be less if you are not studying full time.
If you are required to pay tuition fees, you may also receive a loan for tuition fees in addition to the basic support.
The difference between full-time and part-time
The factor that determines whether you are considered a full-time or part-time student is how long you will take to complete your course and how many subjects/hours you will complete during the period.
In order to be considered a full-time student, you need to complete an average of 924 hours per academic year if you are completing vocational education and 784 hours if you are completing specialization in general studies. You will be considered a part-time student if you are completing fewer hours than this on average.
Education structured in modules (modulstrukturert opplæring) is considered as full-time.
The amount you can receive as a part-time student will be calculated based on your part-time percentage. The part-time percentage will be determined based on the number of subjects you are taking (number of hours) and the time it will take to complete your course. If, for example, you are completing 980 hours of a vocational programme over two full academic years, you will have a part-time percentage of 50.
If you are considered a part-time student and you do not have university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications, you will receive grants and loans for the physical education subject, even if you are exempt in the subject.
If you start your course after 16 August or finish before 15 June of an academic year, the duration of your course will be considered too short for you to qualify for the full amount of NOK 151,690. You will receive basic support from the date on which you start your course until the date on which you complete your course.
Examples of part-time courses
You are attending school from 18 August 2024 until 6 June 2026 and are taking subjects from a vocational education programme resulting in a total of 954 hours. You will be considered a part-time student and your part-time percentage is 49.58.
Do you receive support for full-time or part-time studies?
Your loan and grant decision will state whether you are eligible for support for full-time or part-time studies.
For those aged between 21 and 24 years
Did you receive a grant for course materials, other grants or loans pursuant to the rules for ordinary upper secondary education (Part 2 of Study Financing Regulation) during the 2023/24 academic year? If the answer is yes, this information is not for you because you are part of a transition scheme. Read more about the transition scheme and see if you are included.