Apprentice in Norway
Your apprentice salary may affect the housing grant
The housing grant will be reduced if your apprenticeship salary is above the income limit. The limit for 2024–2025 is NOK 17 186 gross monthly earnings.
In order to be eligible for a housing grant, you also need to meet at least one of the following criteria:
- The distance between parental home and your in-service training establishment is more than 40 kilometres, or
- You spend more than three hours per day travelling between your parents’ home and your in-service training establishement, or
- There are conditions that prevent you from living at home. These conditions must so severe that you will have problems completing your education if you have to live at home.
Apprentices are not entitled to grants for course materials
As an apprentice you no longer receive a grant for course materials, as you did when you attended upper secondary school.
Very few apprentices receive income-dependent grants
An income-dependent grant is a grant to pupils from low-income families. Among other things, the size of the grant you are entitled to depends on your apprenticeship salary. The limit to how high your apprenticeship salary can be and still receive an income-dependent grant is so low that very few apprentices qualify.
You receive payments for 11 months
Apprentices receive grants for 11 months per year, as opposed to pupils in ordinary upper secondary education who only receive grants for 10 months. You may receive a grant from August to June, but you must still remember to apply every year.
This page applies if you meet both criteria:
- You are under the age of 21. That is, you will turn 20 years of age or less during the calendar year in which the academic year commences.
- You do not yet have university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications. This means that you have not successfully completed a university and college admission or vocational education programme.
Exceptions: Will you turn 21 to 24 years in 2024? Did you receive a grant for course materials or other loans and grants under the rules for ordinary upper secondary education during the 2023-2024 academic year? Check if this page applies to you because you are part of a transition scheme.