
If you believe that Lånekassen has made an incorrect decision, you can appeal the decision. You can submit an appeal within three weeks of receiving the decision.

Appealing means that you disagree with the decision made by Lånekassen and that you require a different result. The appeal must be submitted in writing.

Who can appeal?

It is for the most part only you who can appeal a decision that concerns you. If you wish that someone appeals on your behalf, they must have the power of an attourney to do so. An attorney can also appeal for you. If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian may also appeal on your behalf.

Here is what you can appeal against

You can appeal individual decisions. If you are applying for something, such as a grant or a loan, Lånekassen will make an individual decision. The individual decision is the response to your application. You can appeal if you disagree with the decision/response.

You cannot appeal against the regulations applicable to Lånekassen. These regulations are set out by the Ministry of Education and Research.

How to submit an appeal

You must submit an appeal in in writing. To do this, you must log in to, select the category "Common questions or send an e-mail" in the menu, and send an e-mail from this page.

You must reference the decision you are appealing and explain what you consider incorrect. You are not required to justify the appeal, but it would be advantageous to do so. If you wish to submit documentation together with the appeal, you must select "Send in documentation" in the menu after you have submitted your appeal.

You can also submit the appeal as a letter. It is then important that you include either your customer number or your national identity number (11 digits) in the letter. You must also sign the letter.

When should you submit documentation?

You are not required to enclose documentation with your appeal. But if you have information that you believe to be of significance to your case, it is important to send this together with your appeal.

Some examples of documentation that could be of significance to your case:

  • Medical certificates
  • Payslips
  • Qualifications
  • Documentation of benefits from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)

What happens when you appeal

When you appeal, a case officer will look at your case again. You will receive a written reply with a justification when the case officer has completed your case.

If your appeal is not successful, you have the option to escalate the appeal. You will need to notify Lånekassen in writing within three weeks of receiving the result if you wish to continue the appeal. Your case will then be escalated to Lånekassen’s Appeal Board.

Continuing the appeal – case with Lånekassen’s Appeal Board

If you choose to escalate the appeal, your case will be escalated to Lånekassen’s Appeal Board.

Lånekassen’s Appeal Board will receive all documents relating to the case.

Lånekassen’s Appeal Board is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research and includes representatives from student organisations. The board meets approximately once per month. It may take some time before your case is addressed by the board.

Decisions by Lånekassen’s Appeal Board are final. You cannot escalate your appeal further. If you still consider the decision to be incorrect, you may contact The Parliamentary Ombud.