Transport driver

How much can you get?

You can receive
  • up to NOK 20,225 in basic support
  • up to NOK 128,039 in tuition fee loan

Bus driver or lorry driver

You may receive loans and grants if you train as a bus driver or lorry driver at a driving school approved by Lånekassen.

You can receive loans and grants for five weeks training as a transport driver

If you are taking the initial qualification course of 140 hours to be granted the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) for category C, CE and D you can get basic support for five weeks. This comprises NOK 17,697 in total.

You cannot get basic support if you are taking the initial qualification course of 140 hours to be granted the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in category C1, C1E, D1, D1E and DE.

You can receive a loan and grant for an extra week if you take both the initial qualification course and driver’s license

If you are taking both the initial qualification course of 140 hours and a driver’s license in class C, CE or D, you can receive basic support for a total of six weeks. This comprises NOK 20,225 in total.

You will receive the money when you have started your 140 hour initial qualification course

The funds will be disbursed when the school has confirmed that you have started the initial qualification course of 140 hours. This also applies if you take a driver's license class C / CE / D in connection with 140 hours.

You are not entitled to loans and grants if you are only taking a driver’s license

You may only receive a grant and loan for a driver’s license if you take it in connection with the initial qualification course.

You must start or take the driver’s license within 12 months before the start of the basic training.

You may receive a tuition fees loan to cover the expenses of the course

You may borrow up to NOK 128,039 to cover expenses for tuition fees or course fees.

Apply when you have been accepted

You must have been accepted in the driving school before you apply for loan and grant. You must apply before you have completed the course. Exceptions apply if your course starts before 1 November and concludes after 15 November. In this case you must apply before 15 November. And if your course starts before 1 March and concludes after 15 March, you must apply before 15 March.

To the application

Do you have children?

You may receive extra
loans and grants
if you have or get children

If you have a child during your studies, or within seven months of completing a degree, you can receive a parental grant.

Parental grant in the event of birth or adoption

If you have children while studying, your basic support and additional loan for school fees may be converted to a grant for up to 49 weeks.

Child grant

If you have children below the age of 16, you may qualify for an additional grant. If you have several children, you receive more in grants. The child grant is means tested, which means that the amount is reduced if the family has income or assets in excess of the limits stipulated in the regulations. If you are a part-time student, you also get a smaller amount.

Additional loans

You may also borrow NOK 59,620 extra per year when you have children below the age of 16, with an upward limit of NOK 119,240 in total. Income and assets have no impact on whether you can receive an additional loan. If you are a part-time student, you will be offered a loan with a smaller amount.

Read about children and childbirth

 Hands holding open book. Photo.

The loan must be repaid

Most of the loan must be repaid, but some may be converted to a grant.

You must repay the whole loan you have taken to pay the course fee, but up to 40 per cent of the basic support may be converted to a grant if you complete your education. Grants are funds you are not required to repay. In order to convert a loan to a grant you must have an income below the limits and live separately from your parents. If you live at home with your parents, loans are not converted to a grant.

The school must report that you have completed your education

When you have completed your education and been issued a driver’s license showing that you are a qualified transport driver, you need to notify your driving school so that they can let Lånekassen know that you have completed your education.

Conversion only takes place the year after you have completed your education

The loan is not converted to a grant until we have checked your income and assets. We only do this when your tax assessment is ready for the year or years in which you received a loan from us.

Income threshold

If you earn more than the income limit for education shorter than seven months, less will be converted into a grant.

More about income and assets

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