Vocational studies in the Nordic region

Applies to those who are taking vocational studies in Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Iceland.

How much can i receive?

This is how much you can receice in support for a full year:
  • Basic support up to NOK 166,859
  • Tuition fee loans up to NOK 79,432

Support for vocational studies in the Nordic region

You may be eligible for support to vocational studies that are state authorised in the country you are moving to and that carry an entitlement for support in the country concerned,

What are considered vocational studies?

You may, for example, receive support for business studies in Denmark, vocational studies (YH) or municipal adult education (komvux) in Sweden.

All students receive basic support and some also receive additional loans for school fees.

Most students receive two different types of loans for studies in the Nordic region. Basic support, as well as an additional loan for school fees if you have to pay tuition fees.

All students can receive basic support, which is what most people call a student loan. Basic support is a loan, not a grant, but up to 40 per cent of this may be converted to a grant if you live away from your parents, complete your programme of education and have income and assets below the set limits.

If you have to pay tuition fees to your school, you may be eligible for a loan to cover these fees, up to a maximum amount.

You must apply for support each year

You must apply for study support each year. If something happens during your studies, such as dropping out before your examinations or wanting to change your programme of education, you will need to log in and let us know.

Application deadlines

You must have a study place before applying, and you may apply no earlier then mid-May. The final deadline for applying is

  • 15 November for the entire year or just the autumn semester
  • 15 March for the spring semester

You must submit documentation when you have completed your studies

Because we do not receive information about examinations passed or confirmation of how much you have paid in tuition fees from foreign educational institutions, you will need to submit this information. This means that you need to submit grade transcripts or degree certificates when you complete your studies, as well as confirmation of the tuition fees you have paid.

We will let you know when and how to submit such documentation. You must document academic progression in order for parts of your loan to be converted to a grant.

Go to application

Vocational studies at upper secondary level

Are you taking vocational studies at upper secondary level? Do you turn 20 years or less during the calendar year in which the academic year commences, and do not have university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications?
Language course
You may receive support for a language course if the teaching is in another language than English.

Requirements and conditions

When you study in another Nordic country, the requirements for receiving support are different to Norway

You must have been admitted to an approved programme of education

For å kunne få lån og stipend til utdanning i Norden, må utdanningen være støtteberettiget i «lånekassen» i det aktuelle landet.

You must attend campus during the academic year

In order to be eligible for support, you must physically attend the school or placement location.

You cannot receive concurrent support from another Nordic student loan fund

You are will not be eligible for support from Lånekassen if you receive support from another Nordic student loan fund at the same time. Periods during which you receive support from e.g. SU or CSN will be deducted from the maximum period for which you may be eligible for support from Lånekassen.

You must study full-time

In order to be eligible for support to study abroad, you need to have been admitted as a full-time student.

The studies must have a duration of at least four months.

In order to be eligible for support for studies abroad, the duration of the studies must be at least four months.

Do you have children?

You may receive extra
loans and grants
if you have or get children

If you have a child during your studies, or within seven months of completing a degree, you can receive a parental grant.

Parental grant in the event of birth or adoption

If you have children while studying, your basic support and additional loan for school fees may be converted to a grant for up to 49 weeks.

Child grant

If you have children below the age of 16, you may qualify for an additional grant. If you have several children, you receive more in grants. The child grant is means tested, which means that the amount is reduced if the family has income or assets in excess of the limits stipulated in the regulations. If you are a part-time student, you also get a smaller amount.

Additional loans

You may also borrow NOK 59,620 extra per year when you have children below the age of 16, with an upward limit of NOK 119,240 in total. Income and assets have no impact on whether you can receive an additional loan. If you are a part-time student, you will be offered a loan with a smaller amount.

Read about children and childbirth

Do you have reduced functional ability?

You may apply for an
extra grant
if you are unable to work besides your studies

If you have reduced functional ability that prevents you from working beside your studies, you may be eligible for an additional grant of NOK 4,572 per month. If you are a part-time student, you get a smaller amount.

You may also receive grants and loans during summer if you are unable to work during the summer holiday. A specialist must confirm that you have reduced functional ability.
You apply for loans and grants due to disability on a separate form.

Read more about grants for people with reduced functional ability

Are you above the age of 30?

Then you can apply for up to
NOK 119,240
in additional loans per year

You can borrow up to NOK 119,240 extra per year if you are a full-time student, which corresponds to 60 credits per year. If you are taking fewer credits, you will be given an offer to borrow a smaller amount. You may borrow up to NOK 238,480 in total, and you may choose how many years you want to allocate the loan across. You apply for the loan on the same form as for ordinary loans and grants.

The loan may not be combined with additional loans for those with children.

Read more about additional loans