Additional loans for those above the age of 30
The additional loan of 119,240 is only for students in vocational school, university or university college education. If you are taking upper secondary education, you can borrow up to NOK 59,620 a year. The loan is in addition to other loans and grants.
You must be 30 years of age no later than 31.12.2025 to be entitled to the additional loan in the academic year 2025–2026. This means that you must be born 1995 or earlier to be entitled to the loan in this academic year. If you turn 30 in 2026, you will only be entitled to the loan from the autumn of 2026.
If you are taking other educational programmes, or are not eligiblie for ordinary loans and grants from Lånekassen, you are not entitled to this loan.
The annual maximum amount applies for full-time education. If you study part-time, the amount is reduced. How much you receive when studying part-time depends on how many study credits or annual hours you take.
How much can you borrow in total?
The additional loan is limited to NOK 238,480 in total over several years for education at vocational schools, universities and university colleges, and NOK 119,240 in total for upper secondary education.
The loan may not be combined with additional loans for those with children.
The additional loan cannot be converted to a grant, with the exception of illness grant.
How to apply for an additional loan
There is no separate application for additional loans. When you apply for ordinary student loans and grants, you will be asked if you wish to apply for an additional loan.