Apprentice with a student loan

For those who are aged 21 years or older. Also applies to those aged 21 years or younger who have university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications.
 Male apprentice with cutting saw. Photo.

How much can I receive?

You can apply for up to NOK 166,859 in loans for the entire academic year.

You will not receive grants in the same way as those attending ordinary upper secondary education but you can take out a loan.

We refer to this loan as basic support. All students are eligible for basic support, which is what most people refer to as a student loan. Your loan will be reduced if you work part-time as an apprentice.

Up to 40 per cent of the loan can be converted to a grant if you

  • do not live together with your parents
  • complete your education
  • have income, assets and social security benefits below the threshold

When will I receive the money?

The money can be disbursed between August and June, but you need to remember to submit an application every academic year. Apprentices receive loans for 11 months of the year.

When do I have to repay the loan?

Interest will be added to the loan and you need to start making repayments if you no longer receive loans and grants for full-time education or study part-time. It takes approximately seven months from the time you last received a student loan from us until you receive the first bill.

This page applies to you if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are 21 years of age or older. That is, you will turn 21 years of age or more during the calendar year in which the academic year commences.
  • You have university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications. This means that you have successfully completed a university and college admissions certification or vocational education programme. You have received a grade transcript, trade certificate or journeyman’s certificate.

Exceptions: Will you turn 21 to 24 years in 2025? Did you receive a grant for course materials or other loans and grants under the rules for ordinary upper secondary education during the 2023-2024 academic year? This information may not apply to you if you are part of a transition scheme.  

To the application

Do you have children?

You may receive extra
loans and grants
if you have or get children

If you have a child during your studies, or within seven months of completing a degree, you can receive a parental grant.

Parental grant in the event of birth or adoption

If you have children while studying, your basic support and additional loan for school fees may be converted to a grant for up to 49 weeks.

Child grant

If you have children below the age of 16, you may qualify for an additional grant. If you have several children, you receive more in grants. The child grant is means tested, which means that the amount is reduced if the family has income or assets in excess of the limits stipulated in the regulations. If you are a part-time student, you also get a smaller amount.

Additional loans

You may also borrow NOK 59,620 extra per year when you have children below the age of 16, with an upward limit of NOK 119,240 in total. Income and assets have no impact on whether you can receive an additional loan. If you are a part-time student, you will be offered a loan with a smaller amount.

Read about children and childbirth

Do you have reduced functional ability?

You may apply for an
extra grant
if you are unable to work besides your studies

If you have reduced functional ability that prevents you from working beside your studies, you may be eligible for an additional grant of NOK 4,572 per month. If you are a part-time student, you get a smaller amount.

You may also receive grants and loans during summer if you are unable to work during the summer holiday. A specialist must confirm that you have reduced functional ability.
You apply for loans and grants due to disability on a separate form.

Read more about grants for people with reduced functional ability

Up to
40 %
may become a grant

How much can I earn?

To get a full grant, you cannot earn more than NOK 224,709 in 2025, if you receive grants and loans for the whole year.

To have loan converted into grant, you must pass a vocational certificate or journeyman's certificate.

In addition to having to pass your education, there is also a requirement not to earn too much. Note that the income limits apply to the calendar year and not the academic year. If you receive support for only one semester, the limit is higher.

You will not lose the entire grant if your income is slightly above the limit, but we will gradually reduce it according to how much income you have had.

We also look at social security and assets

Assets and social security income can also affect how much of the basic support can be converted into a grant. Read more about limits for income and assets.

If you live with your parents, you will not get loans converted

Only people living away from their parents are eligible for converseion.

Conversion happens the year after you complete your apprenticeship

The loan is not converted before we have checked your income and assets. We cannot do that until your tax report is ready for the year you received the loan from us.

Read more about conversion

When unexpected things happen

When something happens in your life or in your studies, it may impact what you are entitled to receive from Lånekassen, either now or later.

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