Delay in your education

The information below apply for those who are in an education that entitles to basic support.

What are delays?

We consider that you are delayed if you have been awarded loans or grants for an education you fail to pass.

This means that if you fail examinations or interrupt your education before examinations, you are delayed.

Loans will not be converted to grants for subjects you fail

The amount of the loan that is converted to a grant depends on how many study credits you complete, among other things. If you fail one or more examinations, you are not entitled to grants for the subjects you failed.

If you make up the delay within four years, you may nevertheless have loans converted to grants.

If you are delayed by more than 60 credits, you will receive no further loans or grants

A normal academic year constitutes 60 study credits if you are studying full time. If you become delayed by more than 60 study credits, you lose the right to loans and grants from Lånekassen.

In this case you must pass as many credits that are required to make the delay 60 credits or less before you can receive more loans and grants. You can receive support again from the semester after have made up for the delay. This means that if you make up for the delay by passing exams in the autumn, you can get support again the following spring. 

If you are delayed by less than 60 credits, it will not affect how much loan and grant you are entitled to.

Previous delays are carried forward

If you change your education, previous delays are not cancelled. What determines how delayed you are is how many semesters in which you have been awarded loans and grants in relation to how many credits you have completed since the first time you were awarded loans and grants.

Grants you have received for upper secondary education with statutory rights as a young person does not count when we assess academic delays. Neither does grants you have received for upper secondary education under the age of 21 without university and college admissions certification or vocational qualifications, count when we assess academic delays. Grants for any other education is, however, included.

Exceptions to the general rule on delay

If you are delayed more than 60 credits, you may still be entitled to a loan and grant if the delay is due to one of the following reasons:

  • You have been ill
  • You have had a child
  • You have a disability, and the learning environment or study situation at the educational institution is not adapted to your disability
  • Other special reasons that make it difficult to avoid delay. An example is the corona pandemic

You must provide documentation for the reason of the delay, for example with a medical certificate. If the delay is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you must submit documentation showing that it was the COVID-19 pandemic that caused you to be delayed eith more than 60 credits.

New loan if you have paid off the old one

If you have paid off your student loan, you can get a new loan and grant from the academic year 2024-2025 even if you are more than 60 credits late. If you are later delayed by more than 60 credits, the normal rules for delays apply. 

Are you delayed?

If you are unsure as to how delayed you are, you must first check how many credits you have received grants and loans to complete. You can find this information in the decision letters in your inbox on Dine sider.

Then you can check how many credits we have registered for you under “examination results”.

You can also send us an email asking us to calculate it for you.