Application for support for upper secondary school abroad

This is what you are applying for

Use the application form to apply for a grant for course materials, a housing grant, travel support, additional loans for tuition fees and any loans for those who are over the age of 18.

You may also choose to apply for an income-dependent grant if your family has a strained economic situation. You will be asked during the application process whether you wish to apply.

There is a separate application form available to apply for a grant for tuition fees.


If you are residing abroad due to special circumstances, you will need to submit documentation to confirm this. The need to reside abroad due to illness must be confirmed by a doctor. You will also need to document that you have been admitted for full-time studies and which year you will be taking.

If you will be attending vocational training, you will need to submit documentation showing that you have been admitted for full-time studies, the duration of the programme of education and the level at which you have been admitted.

You do not need to submit supporting documentation of your admission if you will be attending United World College or a French lycée. We will obtain confirmation through the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education or Institut français de Norvège. 

If you have to pay tuition fees, you will need to complete a separate application form for tuition fee support (in Norwegian only) and enclose confirmation of the tuition fees payable to your foreign school.

You will need to submit this documentation after submitting your application for support. You can upload documentation via Dine sider at or send the documentation by regular post after applying for support.

Processing time

Your case will be processed by a Case Officer and you should expect it to take some time before you receive an answer.

The application is not available on Dine sider immediately, but, if you have received a receipt, we have received your application. You can check estimated procesessing time on Dine sider.

Apply for loans and grants

You can now apply for loans and grants for 2024–2025. 

The deadline for application is 15 November for the autumn semester, and 15 March for the spring semester.