Documentation for longer language courses

Documentation requirements when applying

When you have applied for grants or loans for language courses, you need to submit documentation in support of the application.
The confirmation must be issued by the school at which you will be attending the language course. The confirmation must show the start and end date of the course, as well as the number of hours of teaching per week.
If you will be attending a longer language course for which tuition fees are payable, you will need to submit confirmation from the school showing how much you have to pay. You need to let us know if you receive support from others to cover tuition fees.
You must document that you have general study competence in Norway. Such documentation could, for example, be an upper secondary education diploma.

If you will be attending a longer language course at a language school, you must submit information about which language examination you will end the course with. If you are going to take the language course at a university, you do not need to submit information about which language exam you are going to take.

Documentation requirements upon completion of the course

If you have been awarded support for a longer language course, you will need to submit documentation afterwards in order for the loan to be converted to a grant.

The course certificate must show that you have passed the course. If you have completed the course at a language school, you will also need to submit documentation showing that you have passed an official language examination that forms the basis for admission to university and university college education in the country in question. This is not necessary if you have completed a language course at a university.

If you have received support for tuition fees, you will need to submit confirmation from the school showing what you have paid in tuition fees or course fees

In order for 40 per cent of the loan you have received for the course to be converted into a grant (conversion), you must start a university or college education in the country where you took the language course within one year of finishing the course.

If you apply for loans and grants for the education you take after the language course, we will automatically check whether you hae the right to conversion for the period you took the language course. If you take an education abroad without applying or a loan or grant from Lånekassen, you must remember to submit documentation that you started an approved education programme, so that you can convert 40 per cent of the loan into a grant.