Proposals for the 2023 Fiscal Budget affecting Lånekassen customers

Published: 06.10.2022
Today the Government presented its proposition for the Fiscal Budget for 2023. This page contains information about proposals that are important to Lånekassen customers.

The proposition will be considered by Stortinget and will possibly be adopted in December. If the budget is adopted most changes will be applicable as of the academic year 2023-2024.

Vocational education students may receive higher grants for course materials

Grants for course materials are meant to cover expenses for necessary course materials for students in upper secondary school. How much students receive in grants for course materials depend on which programme they are enrolled in.

The Government proposes to ensure that the grant covers the actual course material expenses students have.The proposal entails increasing the existing four course material grant rates to five course material grant rates. Some education programmes will thus be eligible for a higher rate. Some of the rates for grants for course materials will be increased by 25 percent.

Increase in housing grants for students in upper secondary school

Students with statutory rights as a young person and who do not live at home may be eligible for a housing grant. Students should not be limited by geography and personal economy when choosing upper secondary education. The Government thus proposes to increase the housing grant.

The proposal entails that students receiving the housing grant will get an extra NOK 600 per month. The grant increases from NOK 4 979 per month this academic year to NOK 5 639 per month in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Reduced tuition fee grant rate for students outside of the Nordic region

Students outside the Nordic region are eligible for loans and grants to cover tuition fees. Of the initial NOK 72 729 paid in tuition fees, a part of the support is given as a grant and the rest is given as a loan.

Bachelor students, students enrolled in extended language courses and vocational education students receive 50 percent as a grant.

Masters’ students, Ph.D. students and exchange students receive 70 percent as a grant.

The Government proposes to reduce the part of the support given as a grant to 40 percent for all students as of the 2023-2024 academic year. The proposal will not affect how much students are disbursed to cover tuition fees but will result in a higher debt after having completed their studies.

Debt cancellation for borrowers living in Finnmark and Nord-Troms

Gainfully employed borrowers who have lived in Finnmark and Nord-Troms for 12 months (earning period) can currently get 10 percent of their debt written off each year, up to a maximum limit of NOK 25 000 per year. The Government proposes an increase from 10 percent to 20 percent, and further proposes that the maximum limit of debt that can be written off is increased to NOK 30 000 per year.

The Government also proposes to continue the scheme for qualified working primary school teachers working in Finnmark and Nord-Troms. This scheme entails that an additional NOK 20 000 may be written off per year.

The rates for loans and grants will be adjusted

The Government proposes that all rates for education subsidies in the 2023-2024 academic year are adjusted by 2,8 percent.

On pages 210-226 of this document you will find all the proposals in the Fiscal Budget that deal with the Lånekassen (norwegian only,