Am I eligible for grants and loans?
If you are 21 years of age or older, you can apply for:
- loans
- loans that can be converted to grants
How much money can I get?
You can apply for up to NOK 151,690 for the full academic year (ten months) or up to NOK 75,845 per semester. Most of the money will be disbursed in the form of loans that need to be repaid.
If you only want to apply for loans that can be converted to grants, you can get up to 40 per cent of the above amount.
Remember, you may be eligible for more money if you have children. You do not need to submit a separate application for the child grant.
If you have a disability and you are therefore unable to work alongside your training, you can also apply for more money.
Several criteria must be met in order for a loan to be converted to a grant
Grants can also be converted to loans if you do not meet the criteria.
These are the criteria:
- You need to attend school and follow the teaching.
- Any money you receive from NAV and have to pay tax on must fall below the Lånekassen threshold for social security benefits.
- If you have a job you earn money from, your income needs to be below the Lånekassen threshold for income.
- If you have a lot of money, the figure in NOK needs to be below the Lånekassen asset limit.
- You need to be living away from your parents. This does not apply if you have children.
Some individuals are eligible for a refugee grant
If you have received protection (asylum) in Norway, you may be eligible for a refugee grant when you attend preparatory training for adults. You cannot receive a refugee grant if you live at an asylum centre or if you are in receipt of introduction benefits.
For those aged between 21 and 24 years
Did you receive a grant for course materials, other grants or loans pursuant to the rules for ordinary upper secondary education (Part 2 of Study Financing Regulation) during the 2023/24 academic year? If the answer is yes, you will find the relevant information on the page about preparatory training under the age of 21 years.